What can this yoga do for me?

Yoga brings different gifts to different practitioners depending on their needs at any given moment.

  • Increase physical and emotional stability
  • Optimize metabolic function
  • Improve physical and emotional flexibility
  • Reduce pain and inflammation
  • Improve digestion
  • Create more inner peace
  • See the world in a more positive light
  • Increase clarity and acceptance in the present moment
  • Heighten awareness and connection to self and others
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Reduce back and joint pain
  • Reduce migraine frequency and intensity
  • Improve sleep
  • Improve emotional and physical balance
  • Improve lung capacity
  • Improve blood quality
  • Increase core strength
  • Help stave off cravings and aversions
  • The list is virtually endless—better and better versions of YOU with every practice!

Who Can Benefit From a Yoga Practice?

What’s so great about a personalized yoga practice?

First, you know you are capable of doing this practice because we created it just for you.

It’s economical! Once you learn this, you don’t need me or anyone to practice, it’s free.

You can do it where you are, when you can, any time of day or night by sun or candlelight.

You can do a short or longer practice, depending on how much time you have.

You can target your practice to the area of your body, mind or spirit that needs it most.

You don’t have to smell good, shave, or look nice.

You don’t have to wear binding spandex clothing or even a bra if you don’t want to.

You can have your children or pets or a person you are caring for within viewing or listening distance.

You can take it outside.

You can take it on business trips or vacations and do it in your room, camp site, beach or deck/patio-yes you can even do a yoga practice in an airplane, airport or car!

This is yoga for YOU exactly where you are.

My goal is to bring this amazing ancient, yet medically and scientifically proven self care practice to you in a way that works for YOU.

Yoga for YOUR BODY







How do I fit yoga into my life and stick with it?

Can I practice yoga?

Are you interested in the benefits of yoga, BUT think you cannot practice because…fill in the blank:

I don’t want to or can’t attend classes in a studio or gym
You can practice at home any time you have time

I am not able to get up and down from the floor
Yoga can be practiced in a chair or even a bed

I don’t have the right body type
I’m not in shape enough
I’m not flexible enough
If you can breathe, your body is ready for yoga

I don’t have the right clothes
Just wear the most comfortable, stretchy loose clothes you own

I’m too old…or too young
If you are between the ages of 10-110, you can practice this yoga (and there is yoga for younger children as well)

I don’t have time.
Even 10 minutes a day will change your life for the better

Didn’t answer your BUT?

Leslie, BUT…how can I practice yoga?

Yoga gives ALL of us the power to influence our own conditions! Who’s the boss of your health and happiness?

How would you like to feel? Let’s talk. After very little instruction from me, you will be ready to practice yoga on your own at home and take some control over your physical and mental/emotional health.

Maybe you’ve read about the amazing benefits of yoga or someone you know is raving about what it does for them?

Yoga can benefit YOU too!

You CAN practice this yoga, anywhere you want to, even in a chair or a bed and all you have to be able to do is breathe!

Are there any pre-conditions to practice yoga?

What do you like about teaching viniyoga?

About Viniyoga

The yoga I practice and teach is designed to meet you exactly where you are. A personal practice that you create with me, a qualified teacher, and do at home on your own is the most powerful way I have found to get the full benefits of yoga. You can find out more about this approach from my teacher, Gary Kraftsow at https://www.viniyoga.com/about/what-is-viniyoga/.

This yoga can be practiced by anyone who is conscious and breathing.

“Control the breath, focus the mind, and direct it into the heart, the source of unending bliss, which constantly calls from within.” T. Krishnamacharya 1889-1989

How has yoga affected your life overall?

How has yoga transformed you physically?

How can this practice improve my relationships?

Who’s the boss of your health and happiness?

From the bed-ridden to the elite athlete, from tweens to those in their 90’s and older, the benefits, structurally, physiologically, emotionally and spiritually, of a highly customized yoga practice, can be profound. All that is required is your desire to change, a belief in your own power to effect change and your commitment to practice. Even 10 minutes a day will change your life in a positive way.

Yoga gives all of us the power to influence our own conditions! Who’s the boss of your health and happiness?

How would you like to feel? Let’s talk. After very little instruction from me, you will be ready to practice on your own at home and take some control over your physical and mental/emotional health.

Yoga for Baby Boomers

Yoga for Baby Boomers

Yoga as Preventive Medicine

Move Breathe Sit, MBS, Don’t Call It Yoga

How do we work together?

How to work in small groups?