A Year of Tools for a More Joyful Life

Weeks 33-36 on your journey to a More Joyful Life with my full year of video tips and instruction.
These practices are meant to be experienced to be understood. Try the tools for yourself. Not all will be beneficial to you at all times. Just notice. Stay present. LISTEN TO YOUR INNER WISDOM. Never go to agitation or pain. You will find some tools and practices that appeal to you and others that do not. Consult a medical professional if you are concerned about how these practices may effect your individual condition.
You are always free to email/message me with personal questions or to schedule a free 20-minute conversation on the phone or Zoom.

Weeks 33-36:
Week 33
Chair Vajrasana
Week 34
Chair Lateral Bend
Week 35
Standing Back Bend and Balance
Week 36
Seated Twist
Practice 9
20-Minute Exploratory Conversation
Initial consultation | 20 minutes free of charge
Tell me about you. Let’s talk about what interests you and what you would hope to achieve by working with me to develop a personalized yoga practice. I will listen actively and answer questions. We can decide together if we are a good fit to move forward.