“You’re stronger if you feel more.” – Matthew Sanford
I am feeling a little blue, I cannot pretend otherwise. I am sad that so many people are suffering, for such a long time, through this health, social, and economic crisis. I feel a little empty that we cannot gather, for worship, grief, celebration, entertainment, or for holidays this year. I miss hugging people I care about!
But, then I think about all the professionals out there who have been working to exhaustion to make our world safer, to serve the public good. Most have been on a treadmill that is going faster than they can keep up, but they keep up. I honor their strength and sense of purpose and duty. I honor you, for anything you have done to help your fellow men, women, and children make it to the next day comforted in some way for your efforts.
Yoga has helped me allow feelings—to take time to acknowledge them, explore the sources, challenge assumptions, are they coming from fear or love—for self and others? I have a better self-understanding and connection with all who suffer similarly and open my heart to that. And lastly, yoga has helped me to remember that everything changes. Just keep moving, keep breathing, keep smiling at others. Share my sadness with someone special or with God or the universe in meditation or prayer. Know that tomorrow will be another day–that I am not my current condition–and if I practice and share yoga and get outside for a walk, I’ll feel at least a little better. Feelings are ok, we cannot control them. Yoga can help shed light on them, however, so we respond a little better and continue to shine our light for others.