Personalized yoga for you, your mental health, and a more joyful life.

You are unique.

Your yoga practice should be too. Leslie can help…

    • Reveal your highest potential through personalized yoga.
    • Connect to and optimize you mind, body, and emotions through personalized yoga.
    • Release and replace unhealthy habits through personalized yoga.
    • Empower yourself to balance your moods and emotions, as well as your anatomy and physiology through personalized yoga.

It’s not about the pose, it’s about what the pose can do for YOU.

We’ll never be perfect, but we can be happier, healthier, and kinder to ourselves and others.

Yoga for You with Leslie can help guide you there.

Meet Leslie

Leslie Carson, founder of Yoga for You with Leslie, believes that yoga is not about mastering poses and positions – it’s about helping people feel better physically, emotionally, and spiritually regardless of their current physical or mental state. It’s about helping people free themselves from suffering and dysfunctional patterns and distractions and develop more nurturing, mindful and beneficial behaviors. Through gentle movement, controlled breathing, journaling, meditation and many other tools from her life experience, Leslie will guide you to uncover a more authentic balanced happier version of who you truly are. And she believes that yoga is most powerful when it is personalized and adapted to fit the unique needs and abilities of each individual.

Why does Leslie believe this?

Because she has seen the amazing transformational power of her own personal yoga practice lead to the release of unhealthy dependencies, including smoking, diet soda, sugar, alcohol and shopping. She is no longer medicated for or experiencing depression, knee and back pain are infrequent visitors, she sleeps well, no longer yo-yo diets, and simply feels well and content almost all the time.

Along with being a Yoga Alliance Certified RYT-500 Viniyoga teacher with 20+ years of practice and teaching experience, Leslie has completed hundreds of hours of additional specialized training with Gary Kraftsow, founder of the American Viniyoga Institute on topics including Yoga for Chronic Pain, Addiction, Better Sleep, Anxiety, and Depression, and with Amy Wheeler PhD, founder of Optimal State Yoga Therapy for Mental Health. She offers private and small group sessions on Zoom, in-home*, outdoors, and at her Upper Bucks County studio.

*Private and in-home sessions held via Zoom during the pandemic.
*Leslie is COVID-19 vaccinated and will follow CDC protocol for safety during in-person instruction. Travel fee may apply.

A Year of Tools for a More Joyful Life.

Start on your journey to a More Joyful Life with my full year of video tips and instruction.

Leslie’s Toolbag for a Joyful Life

Imagine I have a tool bag full of thousands of tools for a joyful life. We talk. I listen. We get to know and trust each other, and you tell me what your most urgent challenge is at the moment. I pull out just a few tools, adjust them perfectly for you, put them in a little personalized “mini tool bag”, and you take them home and practice using them. Then, you come back and tell me how they’re working for you. This one works, this one I don’t like or needs adjusting. Your priorities about what is most urgent to address may change. We then may add other tools, remove some, or simply fine tune the ones I gave you last time based on your current situation. And we repeat that process until you have your issue licked or you are ready to tackle something else.

"I feel stronger and more positive since beginning classes with Leslie. Not only has my posture improved, my core feels strong, and I am able to live more positively. At my yearly doctor’s exam I learned I actually have grown an inch ( at 52 years old!). When I asked my doc, 'how could this be?' She replied…'it’s the yoga'...Yoga with Leslie is a favorite part of my week. I feel blessed to have found this lovely teacher with a beautiful soul who has such a clear purpose and so much to share."


"I practiced yoga with my mom from an early age…continued through my life. At 64, practice with Leslie gives me breathing, balance and strength…even after back surgery with fusion and screws. I can’t imagine life without yoga…and Leslie."


"Leslie is a great, passionate teacher. My chiropractor is pleased with the results, as am I. She teaches complete body involvement and I look forward to each session."


"For whatever reason, I have found that Leslie’s method of teaching yoga breathing has been most helpful to me. I find I can use it to my advantage in many situations. Thank you, Leslie, for your obvious devotion to your practice and for sharing it with your students."


"When my friend asked me to go to a yoga class I was a little hesitant. I am not a very flexible person. Well, after a couple of weeks with Leslie I noticed that I was more flexible than I thought. She is unbelievably patient. Always has a kind word of encouragement!!!!! Leslie explains everything. Great sense of humor! Loves us dearly:) You would think she never has a bad day! We love her!!!"


"Really enjoy Leslie’s yoga classes. She is very accommodating to everyone’s needs and makes each class different. Leslie’s positive energy is infectious."


"Leslie’s eagerness and commitment to helping each one of us in her chair yoga class at CB Senior Center is so evident. Her eagerness to develop each class member’s benefits is so evi-dent and inspiring each session. Leslie stresses the importance of breathing in exercising so well."


"Leslie’s chair yoga forces you into being in the moment–peaceful and quiet–moving at a certain pace and being observant. It engages all of our senses; it’s beautiful, gentle, slow–but powerful. This is especially important when it comes to working our connective tissues–also known as fascia–which can be injured by excessive or rapid stretching."


"My lumbar spine is pain-free! It used to hurt upon standing from a chair."


“I am finding that I really enjoy having exercises that I can do in just a few minutes. I start by going through the motions but find that a few breaths in I am able to focus on my relaxation.”


"I can honestly say there has never been a practice I haven't thoroughly felt awesome after. When things get crazy, I just do my yoga breaths and can settle down. Thank you, Leslie, for changing my life!!”


“I have been using it kind of on an as needed basis- if I have a day when I am stressed or anticipate it being stressful, I use it, but don’t use it every day! It has been very beneficial for me personally, and I tend to do either the entire thing or just the breathing portion depending on if I’m at home or at work! It is very centering for me!”


“I first pursued a yoga practice to improve flexibility, not recognizing the calming focus it gave me until later. My most valuable outcome that I have experienced long term is the way yoga makes me feel. Grounded and present and grateful.”


“I started yoga to help increase my strength and balance. Yoga has done more than that for me. It helps me to relax and clear my mind. I sleep better and just feel great! Your positive energy inspires me and makes me smile!”


“Finding a way to take time for myself was, and is, important. The yoga practice helps to focus on that. I must say that that it has given me a chance for introspection and rethink some goals. There are times when I revert to forgetting some goals and then stop to reassess.”


“I met you, Leslie, and I felt excited to have a teacher again and come back to yoga. What I have gained is an inch (my doc contributes it to the yoga) I give myself permission to be in the space to practice, I feel stronger physically and mentally, I hold myself taller.”
